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All players must register to play in this league system. click button below.

player reg.

Please take a few minutes and fill out this form.

( * required fields)



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  • League fees are to be paid in the first week of league play.

  • Cash & checks (made out to Toledo darts) will be collected on the first day of league play.

  • Players can pay league fees online.

  • League matches may not count until all fees are paid.

  • If a player cannot pay league fees on week 1 you must notify the league office before week 1 of play.

  • 20.00 fee for returned checks. 

sub. sign up

It's FUN,

sign-up 8 Ladies and form your division.

Hot girl dart league (doubles)

4 team division

(8 players) 2 players on a team.

play each team twice & Championship

7 weeks long

9 game format

6 games of 501 stacked 

3 games of cricket

Your quarters drop (per week) is

$3.00 a player.

Week 1 each player will need to pay

$20.00 prize money &

$10.00 admin fee

a total of $30.00 (a one time fee)

Pay out

1st    $60.00

2nd  $50.00

3rd  $30.00

4th  $20.00

Hot Girl Dart League sign up

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been submitted

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