NDA Indiana Regional 2024
Open doubles cricket level 4
1st place $360.00
Tim Smarszcz & Dave Ross
2024-25 Tournaments at a glance
Starts September 15, 2024
PPD is now available
at Toledo Darts Locations
League & Tournament Play
Grab your friends and let's play some darts.
All leagues are handicapped & NDA sanctioned
Earn tournament eligibility to the biggest events of the year
2023 - 2024
NDA remote tournaments
NDA regional tournament
OCMA state championships
NDA team dart championships
Next Remote Tournament Is Set for November 23rd, 2024
12:00 PM CT Check In - 1:00 PM CT Start Time
Registration Opens Friday, November 15th;
Closes Wednesday, November 20th NOON CT.
Click Here To Register Through Your Compusport APP
$30.00 added per team per bracket
$60 sign-up fee per two-person doubles team.
Both players on a team must play for the same operator/vendor.
Best of 5: 501,Cricket,501,Cricket,501, Double Elimination
This event is leveled based on entry stats
Players need 48 games during the qualifying period of : January 1, 2023 through Sign up deadline.
Toledo Darts Tournament Calendar
Grab some of your friends & sign up today
Form your own fun league
It's easy, first you need 8 players or more to form your division.
4 team division
(8 players) 2 players on a team.
(12 players) 3 players on a team.
Play each team twice & Championship
7 weeks long
6 team division
(12 players) 2 players on a team.
(18 players) 3 players on a team.
Play each team once & Championship
6 weeks long
Stacked - means 2 or 3 players on one score.
Freeze rule - each player shot on their own 01 score.
A player is frozen when his or her partner's score is higher then the combined score of their opponents.
Triple leagues - will play 701 stacked, all 3 players on one score.
Fun league 1 (doubles)
9 game format
Week 1 each player will need
$10.00 admin fee
$ 3.25 quarters (per week)
$13.25 total
5 games of 501 stacked
4 games of cricket
Total quarter drop $13.00, $6.50 a team and $3.25 a player to play
Fun league 2 (doubles)
11 game format
Week 1 each player will need
$10.00 admin fee
$ 3.75 quarters (per week)
$13.75 total
5 games of 501 stacked
3 games of 301 freeze
4 games of cricket
Total quarter drop $15.00, $7.50 a team and $3.75 a player to play
Fun league 3 (triples)
9 game format
Week 1 each player will need
$10.00 admin fee
$ 2.58 quarters (per week)
$12.58 total
5 games of 701 stacked
4 games of cricket
Total quarter drop $15.50, $7.75 a team and $2.58 a player to play
Fun league 4 (triples)
11 game format
Week 1 each player will need
$10.00 admin fee
$ 3.08 quarters (per week)
$13.08 total
7 games of 701 stacked
4 games of cricket
Total quarter drop $18.50, $9.25 a team and $3.08 a player to play
$20.00 a player for prize money looks like this.
Place doubles doubles Triples Triples
1st $60.00 $64.00 $90.00 $99.00
2nd $50.00 $52.00 $75.00 $78.00
3rd $30.00 $42.00 $45.00 $69.00
4th $20.00 $34.00 $30.00 $45.00
5th $28.00 $39.00
6th $20.00 $30.00
7 weeks 6 or 10 7 weeks 6 or 10
week weeks
Each player in your group will need to register. Provide Toledo darts with first and last name, a cell number and a email address. Do it now.